Friday, November 14, 2014

How to control which objects are Projected to Multiple Section Views

When using the 'Project Objects to Multiple Section Views' command you are able to choose what type of object you wish to project (Points, Solids, Blocks, 3D Polylines, Feature Lines etc.) But what if you don't want to Project every object of that type that exists in the drawing...?

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

NAVBAR Showing on Plots...?

If you are finding that your plots have a small rectangular stamp that appears at random locations, take a closer look and you may find that it is actually an image of the NAVBAR...!

This appears to be a known issue with Civil 3D.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Hotfix for ViewCube Printing Issue - Civil3D 2014 SP1

If you are having issues where the ViewCube will randomly appear on printed PDF's, follow the link below for a Hotfix that will address the issue from Autodesk.

ViewCube Hotfix (2014 SP1)

Note: This is intended to address issues with 2014 versions of the Software running Service Pack 1.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Batch Renaming of Layers

If you want to change a group of Layer Names at one time, the 'RENAME' command may solve your problem...