Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Add a New Size to a Pipe or Crossing Service

So, you want to add a new Pipe or Crossing Service to your design, but can't find the size that you want? 
For example, you may wish to create a custom PVC pipe size for a Crossing Service. This can be achieved using Civil 3D's Part Builder. Here's how to do it...

In this example, we will create a Custom Crossing Service of 55mm Internal Pipe Diameter (PID).

To begin with, go to the 'Pipes' Toolbar and click on 'Part Builder...'
- Select the 'Pipe' Catalog from the Part Catalog Dropdown Menu
- Select the desired Pipe Catalog (Ie.Circular Pipes>ONK Pipes RCP>ONK Crossing Services PVC)
- Click on the 'Modify Part Sizes' Button

  - Right-Click on 'Size Parameters' and select 'Edit Values...'

- Left-Click once only in any of the 'PID' (Inner Pipe Diameter) Fields (It doesn't matter which) and then click the 'New' button on the top left of the Dialog Box. A new PID Field will be created and will appear at the bottom of your list...

- Enter the new Part Size in millimetres (Ie. 55) in the newly created 'PID' Field. 
- Update the 'PrtSN' (Part Size Name) Field also (This will be referenced for Labels etc.)

- Press 'OK'
- Don't forget to Save using the 'Save Part Family' button! 
- Close out of Part Builder

The newly created part size will now be available in the list of Pipe Diameters for PVC Crossing Services.

1. The newly created part size will only be available until you Log Off you workstation*.
2. If you wish to add this size to your Parts Catalog permanently please see your CAD Manager.
3. By default, the new part size will be at the bottom of your list. To 'sort' the values you will need to edit the relevant .Xml file in the Parts Catalog folder.

* In our office we have a script that overwrites the Parts Catalog on Startup to maintain consistency.

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