When Publishing Multiple Sheet PDF Sets, simply selecting 'Dont Include' in the 'Layer information' section of the 'Publish Options...' will not work. This is a known issue since at least 2010 and is still not working correctly in 2014.
To ensure that Layer Information is excluded from the PDF set you need to do the following...
- Go to the 'Publish' dialog box
- Ensure that all Sheets have the 'A1 PDF' Page Setup selected (Defines Sheet Size & Plot Window)
- Change the 'Publish to:' dropdown selection from 'Plotter named in page setup' to 'PDF'
- In the 'Publish Options...' dialog box ensure that the 'Layer information' is set to 'Don't include'
- Ensure that the 'Publish in background' checkbox is Unticked (Less chance of errors or crashes..!)
This will Publish your Sheets using the default PDF option, but for some reason still references the Page Setup for Sheet Size and Plot Window information. The resulting PDF set will be combined and will exclude the layer information as required.
(Note: this means that you will be unable to specify multiple Page Setups in the one Publish command)
It is important to ensure that you have selected the 'A1 PDF' option. If you select another Sheet Size, the resulting PDF will use the size defined in the chosen Page Setup... (Ie. Using 'A3 Colour' results in an A3 PDF...)