Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Update User Profile & Customised User Interface

When re-installing Civil 3D or upgrading to a new version of Civil 3D you will need to reload your User Profile (.arg) and Customised User Interface file (.cuix). Follow the steps outlined below to update...

To Update User Profile (.arg)
- Open AutoCAD Civil 3D
- Right-Click on a blank part of your screen and select 'Options...'
- Navigate to the 'Profiles' Tab and select 'Import...'
- Browse to the C:\ONK_Civil 3D\ACAD Support\ACAD Profiles & Customisation\Civil 3D 2014 folder and select 

- Leave the 'Profile name:' unchanged and click 'Apply & Close'
- Ensure that 'C3D_ANZ_ONK 2014' is Set as the Current Profile
- Click 'Apply' and Close the Options dialog box
- Close AutoCAD Civil 3D
- Go to the Desktop and Right-Click on the Civil 3D 2014 Icon, Select 'Properties'
- On the 'Shortcut' Tab, ensure that the 'Target:' is set to point to the correct User Profile
  Ie. 2014\AecBase.dbx" /p "C3D_ANZ_ONK_2014"  


AutoCAD Civil 3D will now open using your User Profile.

 To Update Customised User Interface (.cuix)
- Open AutoCAD Civil 3D
- Click on the Down Arrow in the Workspaces drop down menu and select 'Customize...' 

- Within the Custom User Interface (CUI) dialog box click on the 'Transfer' Tab
- On the 'Customizations in New File' section (RHS) click on the 'Open' Folder
- Browse to the C:\ONK_Civil 3D\ACAD Support\ACAD Profiles & Customisation\Civil 3D 2014 folder and select 
  'ONK 2014.cuix'
- Click & Drag the 'ONK 2014' & 'ONK 2014 3D MODELLING' Workspaces from the RHS to the
  'Customizations in Main File' section on the LHS in the 'Workspaces' section


- Right-Click on 'ONK 2014' Workspace on the 'Customizations in Main File' section (LHS) 
- Select 'Set Current' 
- Click 'Apply' and Close the Options dialog box

AutoCAD Civil 3D will now be using your Customised User Interface (CUI).



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